Is something I must have picked up during my first year in design school "nth" number of years ago. One of my professors in a design subject has this "Level of Difficulty" Criteria when she grades our plate or project. Being the grade obsessed student that I was, most of what I did before tend to be kind of intricate in order for me to achieve high grades (with that particular professor).
Nth of number of years after, (Now that) I am trying my hand at something I do enjoy (Making Paper flowers duh!) my go-to route to be different from others that also do and make paper flower templates, is to be intricate in my designs.
So now, I introduce my new template collection, "Flowerception: Flowers within a flower" to which I coined from "Inception", you know the Leonardo diCaprio movie which has the concept of a "dream within a dream"

The collection is composed of 6 templates, 5 of which are available in my Etsy shop
and the 6th one is a freebie!

A bundle with all the 5 templates is also available at a lower price! (and of course also included is a great chance to get the freebie)
And since I'm feeling extra generous while writing this blog post,
To anyone who read this post and has or will purchase any of my Flowerception templates,
message me the word "Flowerlicious" when you buy the template (in any platform- etsy, instagram, facebook, email) and I will immediately give/email the freebie template to you :D
So basically it's a sure 2 template bundle for the price of one!
Here are more pictures of the templates:
Also included in all of the bundles is a detailed PDF guide.
(I also tend to be detailed most of the time :D)
Thanks for reading!
Lots of love,